e-Xchange Training Guide
Date Uploaded: 24/04/23
This is a full training guide for users of the Share2Care e-Xchange platform. It includes information on how to access various information such as medical documents, patient details, practice view, and investigations view.

e-Xchange Training Video
Date Uploaded: 24/04/23
This is a full video demonstration that guides users of the Share2Care e-Xchange platform on how they can get the most out of the platform.

Cheshire Care Record Training Guide
Date Uploaded: 24/04/23
This is a full training guide for users of the Share2Care e-Xchange platform. It includes information on how to access various information such as medications, results, mental health, and social care.

Cheshire Care Record Training Video
Date Uploaded: 24/04/23
This is a full video demonstration that guides users of the Cheshire Care Record platform on how they can get the most out of the platform.